Meet Hayley .

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As a career - driven woman, with a passion for self - growth I’ve always strived to work my way to the top.

With ten years experience within the beauty industry specialising in training and development, I was doing the one thing I loved the most, empowering other women with the self belief to achieve their career goals. 

I’d climbed the corporate ladder, reached my goal, yet left feeling unfulfilled and capable of more.

I felt out of alignment with who I was, no longer wanting that next step up. I knew I wanted change, but didn’t know how to escape my reality.

Then one day I was presented with the biggest gift of all. The greatest lesson in self growth.

Unexpectedly falling pregnant, I experienced three consecutive miscarriages. With a hole in my heart, I knew this was my silver lining. I prioritised myself, took a leap of faith, quit what I had known and found stillness in myself whilst I healed.

Taking the time I needed, I was ready to take action, show up as the woman I knew I could be and share my experiences and knowledge with the world. I made what felt like a “shit your pants investment” in myself and began working with my coach. I have never looked back.

As a Global Mindset Mentor, I am hugely passionate about helping other women to fulfil their unfulfilled dreams. I believe every woman deserves the chance to live the life they deserve. Through self awareness, confidence & empowerment, women are changing their daily reality and living their dreams.

I pride myself on speaking from the heart, in sharing my own experiences having faced the same life transitions. I know how it feels to be where you are today. 

The great news is, anything you desire IS POSSIBLE,
I along with the many other women are living our hearts desires.

It’s time for you to start living yours?…

My Story

Trust your dream, trust your journey and know you are stronger than you think
— hayleypexton_mindsetmentor